Transition After School

When students with autism spectrum disorder graduate where do they go? Well, many of them go out into the community and fill a variety of socially important roles. Some may stay home, but take on more responsibilities around the house. This is a growing topic of interest and hopefully the resources below will be helpful. Planning can start now no matter the age of the individual. It should also be noted that many communities have vocational programs and other services that can be explored.
Making self-employment work for people with disabilities Griffin, Cary.
Call Number: 658.0220874 Griffin
ISBN: 9781557666529 (pbk.)
Pub. Info: Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes, c2003.
Asperger syndrome employment workbook : an employment workbook for adults with Asperger syndrome Meyer, Roger N.
Call Number: 650.14 087 Meyer
ISBN: 9781853027963 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Pub. Info: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, c2001.
Notes: "This practical manual will enable people diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism to deepen their self-understanding and appreciate their value as working individuals. Through step-by-step self-assessment, the reader is encouraged to engage actively in a self-paced exploration of their employment history, and ultimately to identify the work best suited to their personal needs, talents and strengths. The workbook contains practical exercises, with clear explanations and examples of how to use them. It leads the reader to identify and explore: three jobs they have held in different life periods, their interests, skills and talents, and their application to work, their style of learning and style of work, the social skills required by specific jobs, as identified by other people than the autobiographer, the AS characteristics which further and impede work performance, successful and unsuccessful survival strategies, issues around diagnosis and disclosure which affect life at work and outside it, creative problem solving for the present and the future - a personal wish list. Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook will also be an essential guide for professionals, career advisors and vocational counsellors as it provides in-depth guidance and research on fulfilling employment for adults and adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism."--publisher's website.
Asperger's syndrome and sexuality : from adolescence through adulthood Henault, Isabelle
Call Number: 618.92858832 Henaul
ISBN: 1843101890 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Pub. Info: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley, 2006.
Notes: Playing the dating game is often tricky: all the more so for individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. How do AS adolescents and their families cope with sexual feelings and behaviour? What help can be given if a man with AS oversteps the mark in expressing his sexuality? How do people with AS deal with intimacy and communication in sexual relationships? In this comprehensive and unique guide, {the author] delivers practical information and advice on issues ranging from puberty and sexual development, gender identity disorders, couples' therapy to guidelines for sex education programs and maintaining sexual boundaries. - Publisher's website.
Autistics' guide to dating a book by autistics, for autistics and those who love them or who are in love with them Ramey, Emilia Murry.
Call Number: EBOOK
ISBN: 184310881X
Pub. Info: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
Notes: "This practical manual will enable people diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and high functioning autism to deepen their self-understanding and appreciate their value as For people on the autism spectrum, dating is often an elusive art form, requiring the very skills in communication and social perception that don't come naturally to them.
Intimate relationships and sexual health : a curriculum for teaching adolescents/adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders and other social challenges Davies, Catherine
Call Number: 616.858832 Davies
ISBN: 1934575887
Pub. Info: Shawnee Mission, Kan. : AAPC Pub., c2012.
Notes: Accompanying CD-ROM contains handouts.
A complete curriculum for teaching about sexual health and intimate relationships, taking into consideration the learning preferences, sensitivity, social and other issues characteristic of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Complete with handouts, checklists, and CD-ROM with blank forms and handouts.
Living well on the spectrum : how to use your strengths to meet the challenges of Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism Gaus, Valerie L.
Call Number: 616.858832 Gaus
ISBN: 1606236342 (pbk.)
Pub. Info: New York : Guilford Press, 2011.
Notes: Machine generated contents note: Foreword, Stephen Shore Introduction. How to Get the Most Out of This Book I. Life on the Spectrum 1. A Typical Day in Your Life: Problems and Solutions 2. A Unique Brain: How Thinking Differences Can Affect Your Daily Life 3. How Social Differences Can Be Vulnerabilities and Strengths 4. The Role of Your Emotional Differences 5. How Sensory and Movement Differences Can Affect Your Interactions with Your Environment II. Positive Solutions for a Quality Life 6. Positive Solutions: Your Bag of Tricks 7. At Home 8. At Work 9. At School 10. In the Community 11. Building Friendships 12. Dating, Sex, and Marriage 13. Health 14. Putting Yourself in Charge of Your Life and Finding Help When You Need It Appendix: Problem-Solving Worksheet Resources .
"Being "different" is old news for adults with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism (AS/HFA), whether they were diagnosed as children or only recently. Meeting a huge demand and providing indispensable practical guidance, prominent therapist Valerie Gaus shows how difference can be a strength. By mastering specific coping and problem-solving skills that "neurotypical" folks take for granted, people with AS/HFA can achieve greater success in everything from dealing with daily routines and social interactions to building a career and negotiating intimate relationships. The straight-talking, methodical writing style is expressly tailored to this audience's preferences and needs. The book is packed with questionnaires and worksheets that help readers pinpoint their areas of greatest concern and develop personalized action plans to build the life they want"--
Living independently on the autism spectrum : what you need to know to move into a place of your own, succeed at work, start a relationship, stay safe, and enjoy life as an adult on the autism spectrum Soraya, Lynne
Call Number: 616.85 882 Soraya
ISBN: 1440557659 (eISBN)
Notes: Includes index.
"... covers many aspects of how young people can successfully navigate aspects of adult life, such as: self-awareness, self-knowledge, and advocacy ; managing emotions ; safety ; relationships ; employment"--author's website
Realizing the college dream with autism or Asperger syndrome a parent's guide to student success Palmer, Ann
Call Number: EBOOK
ISBN: 9781846422508 (electronic bk.)
Pub. Info: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006.