Modeling and Role Playing

By modeling social skills, we give students opportunities to observe (multiple times if necessary) specific behaviors that they are learning. Then we afford them a similar benefit by having them act it out. By ‘acting’ student practice social skills in a safe setting where making mistakes is ok. It is important that skills practiced on one setting are then generalized to other settings by bringing in new people and changing the setting. Enjoy the resources below.

Teaching Asperger's students social skills through acting : all their world's a stage! Davies, Amelia.
Call Number: 371.926 Davies
ISBN: 9781932565119
Pub. Info: Arlington, Tex. : Future Horizons, c2004.
Notes: "Foreword by Jeanette McAfee; including plays written by John Stamm"--Cover.
Provides an easy to follow, step-by-step drama curriculum specifically for parents and professionals without backgrounds in acting. John Stamm's humorous plays at the end of the book are take-offs of children's fairy tales
Acting antics : a theatrical approach to teaching social understanding to kids and teens with Asperger syndrome Schneider, Cindy B.
Call Number: 618.92858832 Schnei
ISBN: 1843108453 (alk. paper)
Pub. Info: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
Notes: "This fun and inspiring step-by-step program provides the full set of tools for developing social understanding in children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) through drama. Cindy B. Schneider explains how the central processes in acting - including making and interpreting inferences from non-verbal cues, taking another's perspective, and formulating language - can be highly effective ways of addressing social cognition deficits in children with AS. Acting Antics contains a wide repertoire of activities and ideas for immediate application at home, in the classroom, in therapy workshops or social groups, ranging from initial warm up techniques, through paired activities, to larger group scenes and staging a show. Helpful appendices provide questionnaire forms to enable both the child and the program leader to assess and monitor the child's understanding of their roles, along with reproducible scripts and suitable scene designs. This complete, practical program provides a wealth of enjoyable educational ideas for parents, teachers, and therapists of children with Asperger Syndrome."--Publisher's website.