Early Childhood and Home

Oftentimes, interventions occur in the school setting and not at home. There are many reasons for this, but it can be relatively simple to add a few small strategies at home. Please find the resources below helpful in your exploration of strategies for teaching social skills at home.

Engaging autism : using the floortime approach to help children relate, communicate, and think / Greenspan, Stanley I.

Call Number: 618.9285882 Greens
ISBN: 0738210285 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Pub. Info: Cambridge, MA : Da Capo Lifelong Books, 2006.

Notes: Describes the DIR/Floortime approach and show how to enter a child's world and bring her or him into a shared world of relating, communicating, and thinking. Part I presents a new, more accurate way of defining autism and ASD and observing a child's earliest signs, and describes goals for working with children with ASD and other special needs within the DIR framework. Part II shows how families can take the lead in working with their children toward these goals. In Part III [the authors] describe the DIR model's Floortime technique and illustrate it in various contexts. Part IV looks at how to create a comprehensive treatment plan and how school environments can be modified to support treatment plans. In Part V, [they] address working with specific problems in greater depth. Appendices A-C present research that supports the DIR model. -Introd.
More than words : a guide to helping parents promote communication and social skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Sussman, Fern.
Call Number: 618.92 8982 Sussma SUS 616.8/982/Sussma 362.1/98928982
ISBN: 9780921145141
Pub. Info: Toronto : Hanen Centre, c1999.

Notes: Presents a step-by-step guide for parents of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders and other social communication difficulties. Shows how to make everyday activities into opportunities for promoting interaction and communication skills.

How to do incidental teaching / Charlop-Christy, Marjorie H.

Call Number: 649.154 Charlop
ISBN: 1416401466
Pub. Info: Austin, Tex. : PRO-ED, c2008.

Notes: Incidental teaching (IT) is a naturalistic teaching method that encourages involvement of parents, peers, and siblings in instructional activities and treatment. IT is designed to facilitate and extend skill generalization and maintenance. IT makes systematic use of natural reinforcement, in that learners receive reinforcement for correct and desired responses and behaviors. This book provides proper procedures and instructions in teaching and maintaining the learned skills.