Behavioral Strategies

These titles are a selection of the titles in the SESA Library that address behavioral strategies for individuals on the autism spectrum. You may search for more titles or for additional titles in the SESA Library catalog: Find Books and More! Search the Library Catalog on the Web
For more information or to request a title, please contact Anne Freitag, SESA librarian, at 907-334-1301, or by email: [email protected].
Addressing the challenging behavior of children with high functioning autism

Moyes, Rebecca A. Addressing the challenging behavior of children with high functioning autism/Asperger syndrome in the classroom : a guide for teachers and parents / Rebecca A. Moyes. Jessica Kingsley, c2002.
Description: Provides a possible explanation for some of the behaviors a child with autism may exhibit, so that teachers and parents can design positive behavior support plans that are individualized and truly effective. Teachers learn how to create environmental supports for different kinds of behavior problems and to incorporate specific teaching strategies to address various target areas of development. Students with autism learn new skills they may be lacking, so that they will no longer need to use challenging behaviors as a way of dealing with their deficits.

Asperger syndrome and the elementary school experience

Moore, Susan Thompson. Asperger syndrome and the elementary school experience : practical solutions for academic and social difficulties / by Susan Thompson Moore. Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2002.
Description: "Written by an educator and mother of two children with autism spectrum disorders, this resource is comprised of practical ideas for addressing the academic and social needs of elementary-aged children with Asperger Syndrome. Intended for both teachers and parents, specific topics include organizational accommodations, accommodations in the curriculum, developing social skills and the importance of home-school communication. Forms, checklists, and other visuals make these helpful ideas easy to implement."--publisher's website.

Asperger syndrome, an owner's manual
Korin, Ellen S. Heller. Asperger syndrome, an owner's manual : what you, your parents and your teachers need to know : an interactive guide and workbook / Ellen S. Heller Korin. Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2006.
Description: “an interactive workbook designed for young people grades 5 through 8 for use with guidance from a helping teacher or parent. Written for adolescents, this book describes what Asperger Syndrome is and how it can affect daily life. With the help of an adult, the child completes a series of exercises related to learning style, sensory issues, emotions, relationships, and more, culminating in a written plan for each major area of his life.”—publisher’s website.
Autism & PDD intermediate social skills lessons
Reese, Pam Britton. Autism & PDD intermediate social skills lessons : communication / Pam Britton Reese, Nena C. Challenner. LinguiSystems, c2002.
Description: "Skill areas: social skills/language, ages: 8 thru 12, grades: 3rd thru 7th".
Behavioral intervention for young children with autism
Behavioral intervention for young children with autism : a manual for parents and professionals / edited by Catherine Maurice. Pro-Ed, c1996.
Description: “A growing body of research shows that many young children with autism and pervasive developmental disorders can derive significant, lasting, and sometimes-dramatic benefits from early intervention based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. This manual, inspired by that research, provides a wealth of practical information for parents, professionals, and others concerned with helping such children. Authors include parents whose children have been the beneficiaries of a science-based approach to autism treatment, as well as many noted researchers and experienced clinicians. The manual gives the reader concrete information on how to evaluate treatment options and differentiate scientifically validated interventions from fads and “miracle cures”; assess children’s skills, needs, and progress objectively and systematically; teach children a wide variety of important skills, ranging from basics such as listening and looking, to complex language and social skills; and determine who is competent to deliver and supervise behavioral intervention.”—publisher’s website.
Chaos to calm
Gabler, Martha. Chaos to calm : discovering solutions to the everyday problems of living with autism / Martha Gabler ; [foreword by Karen Pryor]. TAGteach International LLC, c2013.
Description: Describes a method of positive reinforcement for behavior changes in children.

Zychowski, Lori A. Cognitive behavioral therapy for children diagnosed with autism [videorecording (DVD)] / Lori A. Zychowski. Watson Institute, [2009?] (Watson Institute Series on Autism)
Description: "This presentation begins with a review of Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms. It goes on to include a basic discussion of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), what it does, how and why it works. It includes how clinicians successfully implement CBT strategies for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders."--publisher's website.

The comprehensive autism planning system for individuals with autism
Henry, Shawn A. The comprehensive autism planning system (CAPS) for individuals with autism, Asperger syndrome and related disabilities / by Shawn Henry and Brenda Smith Myles. Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2007. Description: "This comprehensive, yet easy-to-use system allows educators to understand how and when to implement an instructional program for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The CAPS model answers the questions (a) What supports does my student/child need in each class to be successful? (b) What goals is my student/child working on? and (c) Is there a thoughtful sequence to the student's/child's day that matches his learning style. This timely resource addresses adequate yearly progress (AYP), response to intervention (RTI), and positive behavior support (PBS) in a common-sense format. The CAPS process was designed to be used by the child's educational team, consisting of parents, general educators, special educators, paraprofessionals, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, administrators, psychologists, consultants, siblings, and others who are stakeholders in the student's education. The structure of this innovative tool ensures consistent use of supports to ensure student success as well as data collection to measure that success. In addition, CAPS fosters targeted professional development. Because CAPS identifies supports for each of the student's daily activities, it is possible for all educational professionals working with the student to readily identify the methods, supports, and structures in which they themselves need training."--publisher's website.
Handbook of positive behavior support
Handbook of positive behavior support / edited by Wayne Sailor ... [et al.]. Springer, c2009. Issues in clinical child
Description: “A revolution in working with difficult students began during the 1980s, with a dramatic shift away from dependence on simply punishing bad behavior to reinforcing desired, positive behaviors of children in the classroom. With its foundation in applied behavior analysis (ABA), positive behavior support (PBS) is a social ecology approach that continues to play an increasingly integral role in public education as well as mental health and social services nationwide. …gathers into one concise volume the many elements of this burgeoning field and organizes them into a powerful, dynamic knowledge base – theory, research, and applications“—publisher’s website.
How to support children with problem behavior
Luce, Stephen C. How to support children with problem behavior / Stephen C. Luce and Angela F. Smith. Pro-Ed, c2007. (Pro-Ed series on autism spectrum disorders)
Description: "This manual was written with the caregivers of adolescents, affected with Autism Spectrum Disorders, in mind. It is entirely devoted to the needs of these children. Caregivers are provided with helpful information on procedures in supporting the varying degrees of behavior disorders. Information was gathered from an extensive 50-year clinical research conducted in hundreds of various settings (e.g., schools, homes, and other community settings) by thousands of distinguished clinicians. Concepts and techniques are all presented and illustrated in a professional manner. Multiple examples based on authentic experiences are provided, each one respecting a person’s identity by fictitious names. Numerous exercises are included to help the caregivers practice and plan interventions with the individuals needing support."--PRO-ED website
Initiations and interactions
Cardon, Teresa A. Initiations and interactions : early intervention techniques for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders / Teresa A. Cardon. 1st ed Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2007. Description: Research suggests an early start is the key to a successful intervention for children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. What many don't know is that research also shows that for most early intervention programs to be effective, they must involve a child's primary caregivers, especially when it comes to such an all-pervasive area as communication. This book does not advocate that parents steer clear of therapists and specialists. Instead, it attempts to put more control in the parents' hands. Without adding to parents' already busy schedules, this book discusses the importance of creating a communication environment in the home. Simple everyday tools include deliberate use of books, toys, visual schedules, and labeling, among others. (note from publisher's website)
Making a difference
Making a difference : behavioral intervention for autism / edited by Catherine Maurice, Gine Green, Richard M. Foxx. Pro-Ed, Inc., c2001.
Description: “… combines solid, data-based information with practical problem-solving strategies. … a valuable resource for family members and professionals alike who strive to maximize the achievements of individuals with autism.”—publisher’s website.
No more meltdowns
Baker, Jed. No more meltdowns : positive strategies for managing and preventing out-of-control behavior / Jed Baker. Future Horizons Inc., c2008.
Description: "Dr. Baker offers an easy-to-follow, 4-step model that will improve your everyday relationships with the children in your life: Manage your own emotions by adjusting your expectations, Learning strategies to calm a meltdown in a moment, Understanding why a meltdown occurs, Creating plans to prevent future meltdowns."--Back cover
Reaching out, joining in
Gill-Weiss, Mary Jane. Reaching out, joining in : teaching social skills to young children with autism / Mary Jane Weiss & Sandra L. Harris. 1st ed. Woodbine House, c2001. (Topics in autism)
Description: “…introduces social skills programs to parents of children in preschool through early primary grades diagnosed with one of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), including Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, and PDD: Not Otherwise Specified. … based on the authors' decades of clinical experience using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a proven educational method, to teach social skills at home and school. This book focuses on four broad topics: play skills, the language of social skills, understanding another person's perspective,functioning in an inclusive classroom. … helps parents work with their child's strengths to improve social skills. Following the suggestions and exercises in this book, parents can teach children to: pretend-play, use toys appropriately, know when to use conventional responses like "excuse me," tell jokes, recognize that others' feelings and thoughts are different from their own, and initiate social interaction with peers. Included are tips for using games, modeling, rewards, role play, videos, activity schedules, and social stories to teach social skills and make the learning experience fun for parents and children. … Appendices listing resources such as books, games, and activities give parents additional material to explore.”—back cover.
Remember your manners
Browning-Wroe, Jo. Remember your manners / by Jo Browning Wroe. Key Education Publishing, c2012. Description: "15 reproducible stories, 35 teaching posters, activities, role play ideas, and guided questions for teaching social skills and manners." Effective for students with autism and Asperger's syndrome and helps reinforce essential social skills. The stories and activities reinforce those important magic words, making friends, mealtime manners, phone etiquette, good sportsmanship, good citizenship, kindness, honesty, responsibility, showing respect, and self-control. Ages 5+, special learners.
Setting up classroom spaces that support students with autism spectrum disorders
Kabot, Susan. Setting up classroom spaces that support students with autism spectrum disorders / Susan Kabot and Christing Reeve. Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2010.
Description: "With even the best curricula and interventions, students with autism spectrum disorders will not learn unless the classroom environment is organized with their specific needs in mind. This long-awaited book shows through clear and brief text and lots of photos how to determine what type of furniture and materials to choose for various types of classrooms and how to arrange them in a way that creates an effective learning environment while reducing anxiety and preventing problem behaviors. As such, it uses evidence-based practices of structure and visual supports to enhance the well-being and success of students. Examples are given for students across the age span with lots of lists and helpful resources, making it a must-have resource for every classroom."--Publisher's website.
Solving behavior problems in autism
Hodgdon, Linda A. Solving behavior problems in autism : improving communication with visual strategies / Linda A. Hodgdon. QuirkRoberts Publishing, c1999. (Visual strategies series)
Description: “Communication and behavior are intertwined. Using visual strategies to improve communication can significantly improve behavior situations…. you will learn to: Identify causes of behavior challenges ; Understand the behavior-communication-visual strategy link ; Use the Guide for Assessing Behavior Situations ; Use visual strategies to change behavior.”—author’s website.
A Work in progress
A Work in progress : behavior management strategies and a curriculum for intensive behavioral treatment of autism / Ron Leaf, John McEachin [editors]. DRL Books, 1999.
Description: "Parents of newly diagnosed children and professionals looking for a concrete curriculum will find this book to be an invaluable resource. The two-part manual presents ABA-based behavioral intervention strategies along with a detailed curriculum that contains 54 clear, step-by-step exercises. The first half of the book ... gives parents practical, how-to information on setting up an ABA program and dealing with difficult behaviors. Topics covered include: teaching formats; stages of therapy; evaluation; reinforcement; working with older children; disruptive behaviors; behavior problems; self-stimulatory behaviors; sleep problems; toilet training; eating problems; as well as play and social skills. The second part of the book is a detailed curriculum titled Autism Partnership Curriculum for Discrete Trial Teaching with Autistic Children."--publisher's website
The Way to A
Manasco, Hunter. The Way to A : empowering children with autism spectrum disorders and other neurological disorders to monitor and replace aggression and tantrum behavior / Hunter Manasco ; illustrations by Katharine Manasco ; foreword by Kari Dunn Buron. Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2006.
Description: “Children with ASD are often confused by our world of rules and consequences, including how their behavior impacts another person or situation. The result is often aggressive behavior. … designed for children ages 3 to 9 years old, presents a simple, logical, and systematic strategy that clarifies and sequentially teaches the child how to manage his behavior by engaging in forethought and self-analysis before acting out. … goes on to give the child a personal and concrete incentive to use the alternative behavior. Developed with visual learners in mind, the book offers the ultimate in customization—the laminated pages may be written on and wiped clean as new situations arise.”—publisher’s website.
The Ziggurat model
Aspy, Ruth. The Ziggurat model : a framework for designing comprehensive interventions for students with high-functioning autism / by Ruth Aspy and Barry Grossman. 2nd ed. Autism Asperger Pub. Co., 2008.
Description: "The Ziggurat Model is a valuable resource for public school professionals who must remain in compliance with federal and state guidelines. Specifically, recent trends in special education law emphasize the use of scientifically based research approaches along with a focus on Response to Intervention (RTI). Additionally, there is a strong push for incorporating positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) based on a functional behavioral assessment. The Ziggurat Model is consistent with these practices. ... This book presents a process and framework for designing comprehensive interventions for individuals of all ages with autism spectrum disorders. The Ziggurat Model was designed to simplify a complex process. Parents and professionals will find the framework of the Ziggurat Model to be a guide in developing more thorough and effective interventions. While the Ziggurat Model is designed to address the needs of all individuals with autism spectrum disorders, this book is written explicitly for the higher functioning population. The book includes assessment tools, case scenarios, and many interventions that were developed with their needs in mind."--publisher's website.